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Contact us for story ideas about inspirational people accomplishing tremendous feats in fascinating destinations.
You become a better, more well-rounded person by traveling and experiencing other countries. It has broadened my mindset as far as my political values and my social mindset and I have come to appreciate other people's viewpoints significantly more.Read More
Rochman enlisted the help of Thom Gilligan of Marathon Tours and Travel to make sure she got into all six races, even though she was qualified for Boston, Chicago and New York based on her times from previous races.Read More
Paula ran six Majors in one year, culminating in receiving her Six Star medal on her 60th birthday at the 2018 TCS New York City Marathon with her daughter by her side Read More
Forty years ago CEO and Founder Thom Gilligan had a notion that there was a market for runners who loved to travel. He started with his first group to the New York City Marathon in 1979. Since then, his brain child – Marathon Tours & Travel – has dedicated itself to offering runners and their travel companions’ extraordinary destination experiences while exploring all seven continents.Read More
SCC Member David Klein completed the Abbott World Marathon series and received his Six Star Finisher Medal. This month (August 2018) he completed his seventh continent checking off Africa at the Amazing Maasai Marathon (Kenya) with his two sons Jonathan and Christopher by his side (their first marathon) and his wife Song cheering for all. Not only is he a committed runner, but also has a passion for flying and is a pilot with the Tiger Squadron doing amazing formations in the air. Read More
Cindy Bishop is a Seven Continents Club Finisher and was one of the first American woman (along side with her running buddy Sheri Bush) to complete the Six World Marathon Majors in 2013! Read about her fascinating journey to Antarctica to complete her quest for a marathon on all seven continents. Read More
Michigan native Paul Bultema has always had a passion for travel. The last couple of years, he's added on a new-found love of running. The combination will take him to a unique destination and a chance to cross off another bucket-list challenge. Bultema, 49, is entered to compete in a marathon on King George's Island in Antarctica on Friday, March 16. Should he finish in what could be sub-zero temperatures, Bultema would reach the goal of finishing a marathon on all seven continents. He hopes to join a rare group of about 600 globally as a member of the Seven Continents Club.Read More
I am proudest of seeing so many satisfied customers who tell us that we have changed their lives by offering great travel experiences combined with the sport of running.Read More
Runners like Sauriol are combining their love of travel with a pair of laced up running shoes and redefining what it means to go on vacation. “On your feet is one of the best ways to see a new city,” said Sauriol, whose first international marathons in Berlin and Dublin got her hooked on adventure travel. “I can’t stop. There are so many places I want to go.” That desire to see the world on your own two feet is the premise of Marathon Tours, a company that organizes trips for runners on all seven continents.Read More
As a runner, Aileen Flanagan likes to set goals for herself. Sometimes they are quite challenging and long-term goals. Ten years ago, she decided to run a half-marathon on every continent. She completed that challenge in August with a race on King George Island off the coast of Antarctica. Read More