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Media Inquiries
Contact us for story ideas about inspirational people accomplishing tremendous feats in fascinating destinations.
As naturally competitive as Mary Ann Weber is, she doesn’t insist on being first all the time. The former Santa Rosa dentist is perfectly content, for example, to be the 126th woman on Earth to travel to all seven continents to do something both agonizing and exhilarating.Read More
Dr. Tun Zan Maung, an internal medicine physician at Abbotsford Regional Hospital (ARH), was one of 200 runners who participated in the Antarctica Marathon and Half-Marathon, earning him a place on the prestigious finishers’ list of the Seven Continents Club.Read More
At the tail end of the most bone-chilling winter in recent years, I left New York for Antarctica, the coldest and driest place on earth, where the sun never completely sets.Read More
The Seven Continents Club provides the appealing opportunity to race in places we’re already inclined to visit, as well as in some intriguing, out-of-the way settings we might not otherwise consider,’’ he said.Read More
The Antarctica Marathon is billed as one of the most grueling marathons in the world. Having run it twice and worked it five times, my experience is that the challenge comes not just from the event itself, but from the culmination of sensational variables.Read More
“This record is not for me but for the one in six men and families affected by prostate cancer,” Vinecki said in a statement released by Marathon Tours & Travel, which founded the Seven Continents Club after putting on the first marathon in Antarctica in 1995.Read More